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After seven years, I have finally found the time to create a second edition of Awakening!

This new version will be live from 24/11/23 and contains the following changes:

  1. Re-divided the story into 58 chapters (Awakening previously had only 19 chapters) in order to improve readability and flow (no more spending weeks reading a single chapter!)
  2. Re-divided the story from 3 parts into 6 parts (for the same reasons as the above change)
  3. Added an introduction from yours truly titled “A Few Words” where I discuss a few behind the scene’s tidbits, ruminate on my journey thus far and give out some well deserved thank yous!
  4. Improved the table of contents and device accessibility
  5. Updated the “About the Author” section and added “Other titles by this Author”

The story itself is unchanged, but if you’ve never had the pleasure of reading the book then this version is definitely for you! Witness an epic tale set on a devastated world, where two teenagers, a hermit and a broken machine must travel across varied landscapes in order to stop a madman’s genocidal plot!

The book will still be 100% FREE on smashwords.com and its distributaries (Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo etc) and will cost $0.99 on Amazon (the minimum amount).