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After months of painstaking hard work, blood, sweat and Dr Pepper, my Virtual Library is finally complete!

I know that many of you are scratching your heads and asking, “Hayden, what the heck is a Virtual Library?” Well, the answer is quite simple. A Virtual Library is a computer program that allows you to read all of my free books in a virtual space. Each book series, from The Chronicles of New Eden to The Metrophobia Collection have their own virtual scene which takes inspiration from important locations from the books. You can listen to the ocean while you stand on the shores of North Sentinel Island from For The Meek or slink in the sewers of Garn from The Beggar Knight! Each scene has its own music which can be disabled at the touch of a button if you’d prefer to read in silence or listen to your own tracks.

Additionally, the hub area allows you to physically walk to each scene as the sky above changes in real-time and the weather constantly surprises you.

Finally, I have recorded exclusive author introductions for each book which contain behind-the-scenes secrets, thoughts about specific books and just random bits of info!

And, of course, this program is 100% free, now and forever!

So what do you have to lose?

The program is available on my website, www.haydenpearton.com and is approximately 4.7GB (Windows Only I’m afraid). It will be updated whenever I publish another free book and will be supported with bug fixes and changes going forward.

Welcome, to a new way of reading books… Welcome, to my Virtual Library!