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That’s right, my next audiobook will be released on the 24th of August!

Once again narrated by the insanely talented Chris Morse, the audiobook tells the tale of You Bugger the beggar, now crowned king of the kingdom of Brent! The titular Beggar King will face treacherous assassins, spiteful knights and warmongering kings in his quest to somehow return to a simple life of begging in his favourite spot.

Due to a desire to put more money towards my narrator as well as fund future projects I have made the difficult decision to start charging for all of my audiobooks. The new prices are as follows:

The Godhand: $4.99

The Beggar Knight: $5.99

The Beggar King: $5.99

The eBook versions of these titles will remain free, however, so please consider purchasing the audiobooks if you want to support me as an author and enable my narrator to receive an amount that properly reflects all of his hard work and incredible talent.

So mark down the date and I’ll see you all next week!